

In this section we will talk about how to send/receive messages from a Chatbot, the first step is the creation of the conversation, once you have the conversation Id you will be able to send a message to the Chatbot through a POST and to receive the message through A GET, while having the capacity to send context information through the body of the POST request as well.

Important: EDDI has a great feature for conversations with chatbots, it's the possibility to go back in time by using the two API endpoints : /undo and /redo !

Creating/initiating a conversation :

Create a Conversation with a Chatbot REST API Endpoint

Response Model

  "botId": "string",
  "botVersion": Integer,
  "userId": "string",
  "environment": "string",
  "conversationState": "string",
  "redoCacheSize": 0,
  "conversationOutputs": [
                "input"    :    "string",
                "expressions"    :    <arrayOfString>,
                "intents" :        <arrayOfString>,
                "actions"    :    <arrayOfString>,
                "httpCalls"    :    {JsonObject},
                "properties" :    <arrayOfString>,
                "output" : "string"
  "conversationProperties": {
        "<nameOfProperty>" : {
      "name" : "string",
      "value" : "string" | {JsonObject},
      "scope" : "string"
  "conversationSteps": [
      "conversationStep": [
          "key": "string",
          "value": {}
      "timestamp": "dateTime"

Description of the Conversation response model

Note conversationProperties can also be used in output templating e.g: [[${}]].

Sample Response

  "botId": "5bf5418c46e0fb000b7636d0",
  "botVersion": 10,
  "userId": "anonymous-zj1p1GDtM5",
  "environment": "unrestricted",
  "conversationState": "READY",
  "redoCacheSize": 0,
  "conversationOutputs": [
      "input": "madrid",
      "expressions": "unknown(madrid)",
      "intents": [
      "actions": [
      "httpCalls": {
        "currentWeather": {
          "coord": {
            "lon": -3.7,
            "lat": 40.42
          "weather": [
              "id": 800,
              "main": "Clear",
              "description": "clear sky",
              "icon": "01n"
          "base": "stations",
          "main": {
            "temp": 10.86,
            "pressure": 1019,
            "humidity": 66,
            "temp_min": 8.33,
            "temp_max": 13.33
          "visibility": 10000,
          "wind": {
            "speed": 5.7,
            "deg": 240
          "clouds": {
            "all": 0
          "dt": 1551735805,
          "sys": {
            "type": 1,
            "id": 6443,
            "message": 0.0049,
            "country": "ES",
            "sunrise": 1551681788,
            "sunset": 1551723011
          "id": 3117735,
          "name": "Madrid",
          "cod": 200
      "properties": {
        "currentWeather": {
          "coord": {
            "lon": -3.7,
            "lat": 40.42
          "weather": [
              "id": 800,
              "main": "Clear",
              "description": "clear sky",
              "icon": "01n"
          "base": "stations",
          "main": {
            "temp": 10.86,
            "pressure": 1019,
            "humidity": 66,
            "temp_min": 8.33,
            "temp_max": 13.33
          "visibility": 10000,
          "wind": {
            "speed": 5.7,
            "deg": 240
          "clouds": {
            "all": 0
          "dt": 1551735805,
          "sys": {
            "type": 1,
            "id": 6443,
            "message": 0.0049,
            "country": "ES",
            "sunrise": 1551681788,
            "sunset": 1551723011
          "id": 3117735,
          "name": "Madrid",
          "cod": 200
        "city": "madrid"
      "output": [
        "The current weather situation of madrid is clear sky at 10.86 °C"
  "conversationProperties": {
    "city": {
      "name": "city",
      "value": "madrid",
      "scope": "conversation"
  "conversationSteps": [
      "conversationStep": [
          "key": "input:initial",
          "value": "madrid"
          "key": "actions",
          "value": [
          "key": "output:text:current_weather_in_city",
          "value": "The current weather situation of madrid is clear sky at 10.86 °C"
      "timestamp": 1551736024776

The conversationId will be provided through the location HTTP Header of the response, you will use that later to submit messages to the Chabot to maintain a conversation.

Example :

Request URL:


Response Body

no content

Response Code


Response Headers

  "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
  "date": "Sun, 15 Apr 2018 01:45:09 GMT",
  "access-control-allow-headers": "authorization, Content-Type",
  "content-length": "0",
  "location": "eddi://ai.labs.conversation/conversationstore/conversations/5ad2aea52de29719b44a792c",
  "access-control-allow-methods": "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS",
  "access-control-expose-headers": "location",
  "content-type": null

Send/receive messages

Send a message

Send message in a conversation with a Chatbot REST API Endpoint

Example :

Request URL


Request Body

  "input": "Hi!",
  "context": {}

Response Code


Response Body

  "botId": "5aaf90e29f7dd421ac3c7dd4",
  "botVersion": 1,
  "environment": "restricted",
  "conversationState": "READY",
  "redoCacheSize": 0,
  "conversationSteps": [
      "conversationStep": [
          "key": "input:initial",
          "value": "Hi!"
      "timestamp": 1524441253098

Response Headers

  "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
  "date": "Sun, 22 Apr 2018 23:54:12 GMT",
  "access-control-allow-headers": "authorization, Content-Type",
  "content-length": "321",
  "access-control-allow-methods": "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS",
  "content-type": "application/json;resteasy-server-has-produces=true"

Receive a message

Receive message in a conversation with a Chatbot REST API Endpoint


Request URL:


Response Body

  "botId": "5aaf90e29f7dd421ac3c7dd4",
  "botVersion": 1,
  "environment": "restricted",
  "conversationState": "READY",
  "redoCacheSize": 0,
  "conversationSteps": [
      "conversationStep": [
          "key": "actions",
          "value": [
          "key": "output:text:global_menu",
          "value": "What do you want to do?"
          "key": "quickReplies:global_menu",
          "value": [
              "value": "Show me your skillz",
              "expressions": "confirmation(show_skills)",
              "default": false
              "value": "Tell me a joke",
              "expressions": "trigger(tell_a_joke)",
              "default": false
      "timestamp": 1524441064450
      "conversationStep": [
          "key": "input:initial",
          "value": "Hi!"
      "timestamp": 1524441253098

Response Code


Response Headers

  "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
  "date": "Mon, 23 Apr 2018 00:07:25 GMT",
  "cache-control": "no-cache",
  "access-control-allow-headers": "authorization, Content-Type",
  "content-length": "891",
  "access-control-allow-methods": "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS",
  "content-type": "application/json"

Undo and redo :

The undo and redo methods basically allow you to return a step back in a conversation, this is done by sending a POST along with bot and conversation ids to /bots/{environment}/{botId}/redo/{conversationId} endpoint, the GET call of the same endpoint with the same parameters will allow you to see if the last submitted undo/redo was successful by receiving a true or false in the response body.

Undo and redo in a conversation REST API Endpoint

Example (undo)

Request URL:


Response Body

no content

Response Code


Response Headers

  "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
  "date": "Mon, 23 Apr 2018 22:20:57 GMT",
  "access-control-allow-headers": "authorization, Content-Type",
  "content-length": "0",
  "access-control-allow-methods": "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS",
  "content-type": null

Sample bot:

Last updated