Passing context information

In this section we will explain how EDDI handles the context of a conversation and which data can be passed within the scope of a conversation.

In order to talk to EDDI within a context, a POST request shall be sent to /bots/{environment}/{botId}/{conversationId}, (same way as interacting in a normal conversation in EDDI) but this time we must provide more parameters:

Send message in a conversation with a Chatbot REST API Endpoint


Here is an example of a JSON object of the input data:

  "input": "",
  "context": {
    "onboardingOfUser": {
      "type": "string",
      "value": "true"
    "userInfo": {
      "type": "object",
      "value": {
        "username": "Barbara"

Additional information:

We can also use http://localhost:7070/chat to test the context parameters by providing Context Type,Context Name, Context Value. see image below :


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