Getting started

Version: ≥5.0.x

Welcome to EDDI!

This article will help you to get started with EDDI.

You have two options to run EDDI, The most convenient way is to run EDDI with Docker. Alternatively, of course, you can run EDDI also from the source by checking out the git repository and build the project with maven using either the mvn command line or an IDE such as eclipse.

Option 1 - EDDI with Docker

There are two ways to use Docker with EDDI, either with docker-compose or launch the container manually.

Prerequisite: You need an up and running Docker environment. (For references, see:

  1. Checkout the docker-compose file from Github:

  2. Run Docker Command:

     docker-compose up

Use launch docker containers manually

  1. Create a shared network

    docker network create eddi-network
  2. Start a MongoDB instance using the MongoDB Docker image:

    docker run --name mongodb --network=eddi-network -d mongo
  3. Start EDDI :

    docker run --name eddi --network=eddi-network -p 7070:7070 -d labsai/eddi

Option 2 - Run from Source


  • Java 21

  • Maven 3.8.4

  • MongoDB > 4.0

How to run the project

Setup a local mongodb (> v4.0)

If no mongodb instance is available on the give host, quarkus will try to run a mongodb container on startup, given the host has a docker running server

On a terminal, under project root folder, run the following command:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
  1. Go to Browser --> http://localhost:7070

Note: If running locally inside an IDE you need lombok to be enabled (otherwise you will get compile errors complaining about missing constructors). Either download as plugin (e.g. inside Intellij) or follow instructions here [](

Build App & Docker image

./mvnw clean package ''

Download from Docker hub registry

docker pull labsai/eddi

Run Docker image

For production, launch standalone mongodb and then start an eddi instance as defined in the docker-compose file

docker-compose up

For development, use

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up

For integration testing run



docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.testing.yml -p ci up -d

Important for eclipse users: If you are planning to browse and build EDDI's code from eclipse, you must take in consideration that EDDI uses project Lombok, so you must add it to eclipse classpath, this can be done easily by executing this jar:.m2\repository\org\projectlombok\lombok\1.16.26\lombok-1.16.26.jar

Last updated

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